Boutique JavaScript training and consulting

Struggling to keep-up with the fast-moving world of JavaScript? Want to shorten the cycle from concept to working software? We're here to help! We work with ambitious teams that want to stay up to date with latest technologies and accelerate their development. We offer a focused, practical training on the latest web technologies:

Advanced JavaScript

The world's most used and misunderstood programming language. Whether you need to catch-up with latest and greatest ES6/ES7 features or just brush-up your skills, we're here to help.

React & Redux

Looking to learn about React and leverage its component-based architecture? Searching for an elegant and predictable framework to reason about the state of your application? This is the workshop for you!


Angular is the most popular framework for building rich web applications. Find out what's new in version 7 and discover new tools that will help you supercharge your development.

Our trainers are also web development "veterans", with boatloads of experience across different domains, technology stacks and organization sizes. A few days of training from seasoned professionals is easily worth a couple of months of learning on-the-go.

We constantly refine and optimise the content of our workshops and delivery methods. We are strong believers in deliberate practice and hands-on approach to learning, so all our workshops are very practical - the concepts and ideas we cover would immediately be put into practice. We also take time to reflect, look back and analyse the pros and cons of individual solutions. Learning is most effective in environments where ideas flow both ways.

With more than 10 years of experience in JavaScript training, startups to Fortune 500 companies, and a passion for all-things JavaScript we are always on the cutting-edge of the technology. Our vision is to become leaders in high-quality JavaScript training.